The Basketball Movement Saturday Clinic

Check out the premier basketball training facility in the Midwest with The Basketball Movement Saturday Clinics.

The Basketball Movement’s bread and butter is our individual or group skill development training (contact us for more info!). We have trained elite area talent, NCAA men and women athletes, and NBA players. The Basketball Movement has a notable history of being a developer of people.

However, not every hooper is ready for intense training, whether due to age or skill level. That is why we implemented Saturday Clinics, an inexpensive way for young players to work on the basics and sharpen their basketball skills.

Every Saturday, the Clinics are held from 9:00-11:00 am unless otherwise posted on our site or social pages.

These mini-camp-style open gyms are for both boys and girls from 2nd to 8th grade. It is $25 to participate. Parents of multiple eligible athletes may be entitled to a discount.

Registration is not necessary, but if you have questions or want to ensure spots, you can call (417) 861-2166 and speak with Coach Craig.

Saturday Clinics are a fun weekend activity that we are thrilled to provide to our community. If you have any further questions, call or email

We look forward to seeing you!

Off-season work

You probably aren’t playing in the NBA Playoffs and may not even be on Spring or Summer teams. What should you do?

We will hit on the basics, but our biggest offseason recommendation is to check out everything offered at The Basketball Movement. The Movement provides training in every aspect of the game for every level of player.

That is the obvious answer, so we will break it down more in a bit. Here are the basics for how to use your time in the offseason.

#1 - Work on your skills

You probably work plenty on situations, plays, and team drills during the season. The offseason is the best time to improve as an individual. Particularly, this is a great time to work on your shot and ball handling.

Individual ball handling can be practiced in the gym or driveway. You can work on your shot anywhere you can find a goal to achieve a quicker release or smoother stroke. Have a coach to guide you through? Even better. Where do you find such a person? I think you know.

#2 - Work on your body

For players that or old enough (consult parents, coaches, or even a doctor), the offseason is the best time to hit the weight room. You do not need to be Arnold Schwarzenegger on the court; just achieve your body's balance to be as strong as necessary.

It has been said that you cannot teach speed, but even if you have a limit, you likely have yet to hit it. Speed and agility training are too real (ask The Basketball Movement for details). Agility and conditioning are crucial, and there is always more time for a run during the offseason.

#3 - Refresh your mind

The offseason is also a great time to reflect on what you accomplished or consider the goals you could not obtain. Take note of areas where you would like to have been better, making sure you focus on those during the offseason as well as your strengths.

Also, have fun! After a long season, it is important to take a little time off to clear your mind. Get involved with a basketball program, play another sport to remain active, or even rest to nurse any nagging injuries or give your body time to relax. Then, once you are ready to return, get in touch with The Basketball Movement, of course!

The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses - behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.
— Muhhamad Ali

In case you had not noticed, a solution to a lot of these fixes has been sprinkled in a few times. At The Basketball Movement, you will find top-of-the-line equipment to help you build muscle and stay in shape. Not to mention staff dedicated to improving your agility, skills, and mind.

To become the best player you can be and make the most out of your offseason this year, make your way to the basketball mecca of the Midwest - The Basketball Movement.

Workout with The Basketball Movement

This St. Patrick’s Day, we want you to know how to get the most out of your “green.” When it comes to hoops, at least.

Many hoopers from this area and beyond have been elevating their game with The Basketball Movement. Those familiar with the local basketball scene see that many of the best players are part of #LawNation (Yanders Law AAU) or have put in time at The Basketball Movement.

We assure you, this is not due to luck (sorry, St. Pat).

Most of us at The Basketball Movement are parents ourselves and understand the desire to see our children succeed. By now, we have proven that the best way for athletes to experience success is by putting in time at our facility with our elite core of coaches.

There are many ways to work on basketball skills, but we are confident that we provide the most bang for your buck, not just in Southwest Missouri but in the whole Midwest. Getting your athletes in front of trainers requires green no matter where you take them, so why not the most proven talent developers in this part of the country?

The good news is that our pricing system is very reasonable for what The Basketball Movement provides. Contact The Basketball Movement to get a feel for what that means for you or your athlete(s). Younger players can also try our Saturday Clinics to experience our atmosphere before diving into skill development workouts.

With the elite crew of trainers at The Basketball Movement, you can get the most out of your greens not just on St. Patrick's Day but year-round.

Reach out to The Basketball Movement

Everything you need to know about to get ahold of us here at The Basketball Movement:

The Basketball Movement provides most basketball-related services you can come up with, and we want you to take advantage of them! To do that, we must be in contact to set things up and get moving. Whether you have some kids needing individual skill development workouts or are a professional needing to work on film study, you can all link up with us the same way.

To learn more about our services or discuss pricing, availability, etc., the best way is to email - A quick way to do that is by going to our contact page here.

One of The Basketball Movement’s trainers will use that email to answer any questions you may have or set up any workouts.

Another way to reach us is by sending us direct messages on social media. We cannot create appointments this way, but our social media manager should be able to answer basic questions or provide general information you may need. Visit our pages here: Instagram - Facebook - Twitter

We check the above as quickly as possible and will do our best to solve any problems or set up any services as best we can!

One of our favorite ways to interact, though, is in person! We do not necessarily have set hours as workouts start early and often end late, varying day-to-day. That said, feel free to come by at any reasonable hour, and there should be someone available to speak with you about any questions you may have or to figure out how to get you or your athlete involved.

Again, The Basketball Movement provides various services, from media exposure to strength and conditioning. If you want to know more about us or our affiliate, Yanders Law Basketball (AAU), email us at or come by. We are excited to hear from you!

Yanders Law alum Julius Walker UFC debut

Toughness carries over for former basketball player Julius Walker

An alumnus of the Yanders Law AAU basketball program, Julius Walker, now 25 years old, is set to make his UFC debut this weekend!

Walker played basketball for Greenwood here in Springfield as well as Drury University. He earned his finance degree from MSU and is now a professional light-heavyweight MMA fighter.

Julius is 6-0 so far and will make his official UFC debut on the main card in Seattle against Alonzo Menifield (15-5-1). Full fight card: here.

Walker is an all-state soccer player, a DII college hooper, and now a UFC fighter. Although he has always been an athlete, his mental toughness is what currently sets him apart.

The Yanders Law program has no delusions about all of its young athletes going on to become NBA All-Stars. But when we hear some of the many stories like Juilius Walker’s, we beam with pride. Grit, leadership, toughness, and winning do not all have to happen on the basketball hardwood.

Another shining #LawNation star! We wish Julius good luck this weekend and in his career in the future!

The love of the game

It is Valentine's Day, so The Basketball Movement reminds you of the importance of loving what you do.

Keeping a love of the game of basketball is very important when striving to become a great player. Loving what you do does not have to apply only to basketball or other sports - it is essential to love your job, your life, and whatever motivates you to be great.

We hear from the pros all the time about their love for the game or, occasionally, how they fall out of love and drift away from the sport. Love for the game is a common theme for top-tier athletes.

Almost everyone likes sports, but it takes true passion to be in the gym for hours each day, perfecting your craft.

The game of basketball has been everything to me. My place of refuge, place I’ve always gone where I needed comfort and peace. It’s been the site of intense pain and the most intense feelings of joy and satisfaction. It’s a relationship that has evolved over time, given me the greatest respect and love for the game.
— Michael Jordan

Do not be afraid to pour your heart into something like basketball. Even when your days as a player are over, the game gives back in unexpected ways. You can love watching the game, coaching the game, writing about the game (a personal favorite), and much more.

This Valentine's Day, cherish what you love. Have a little chocolate if you must, but remember to put down the box and get some free throws up, too.

Happy Valentine's Day from The Basketball Movement!

The Basketball Movement Instagram

Don’t miss out on so much good content over at The Basketball Movement’s Instagram!

If you have not been following The Basketball Movement on Instagram, you have been, unfortunately, missing out on some of the best hoops media the area has to offer.

Of course, the page covers Yanders Law basketball and We Are United hoops. However, there is plenty more than that! We have high-quality images of events like the Tournament of Champions, as well as highlight reels of local high school standouts.

For those of you with other social media sites of preference, we post all articles and big news to The Basketball Movement Twitter and our Facebook page. Those pages act as areas for announcements of events and clinics also.

As far as straight-to-the-action basketball content, our Instagram serves as the highlight platform of choice.

Head over, drop a follow, and enjoy our hand-picked content as we continue to cover the best sport in the world.

Skill Development Workouts

Take a look at the cornerstone of The Basketball Movement: our skill development workouts and training.

The trainers at The Basketball Movement are well-known as developers of people. Through the sport, they have grown young people into more confident individuals and better leaders. Also, folks that come around here tend to get exponentially better at the game of basketball.

The Basketball Movement has many things to offer, but individual or group skill development workouts provided here are what put the movement on the map.

Whether training a professional hooper or working with a group of grade schoolers who need to hone the fundamentals, The Basketball Movement approaches the sport with a seriousness and intensity that gets the most out of players.

Our founder, Rob Yanders was hard-nosed, driven, honest, and a true developer of people. He was one of the elite basketball minds available in this part of the country, and he passed along what he knew to his trusted trainers and coaches right here at The Basketball Movement.

Those who come to us to get better must be ready to WORK. If they can hang, they will rise above their competition. If you follow basketball in Southwest Missouri, you have seen it yourself.

High school basketball is one thing, but The Basketball Movement is also equipped to train collegiate and professional players. With a theater dedicated to film study, room and board available, a barber shop, and other amenities modeled after pro facilities, Yanders built something few others in the Midwest could try to replicate.

To get involved with The Basketball Movement and come get this work, contact us.

Not every player will be up to the sweat-drench, basketball knowledge overload that The Basketball Movement delivers. But those with a passion for the game and a genuine desire to improve are welcome. You want to get to the next level, and we can help you. Reach out!

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

The Basketball Movement recognizes Martin Luther King Junior’s impact.

The Basketball Movement and Yanders Law families have always made a point to embrace diversity, practice acceptance, and remain vigilant in upholding the vision of trailblazers such as Martin Luther King Jr.

Being knowledgeable about the triumphs and struggles of those who have come before is critical, but the learning can never stop. Therefore, Rob Yanders always made sure his staff, Yanders Law athletes, and students of We Are United were well-versed in the history that makes what he does possible.

We hope that everyone spends Martin Luther King Jr. Day reflecting on the teachings of Doctor King as well as practicing self-examination. Stifling ingrained prejudices is not easy. But, we must all work on ourselves, lift up others, and always bring our A-game regarding matters of acceptance and equal treatment.

Basketball and sports, in general, are great equalizers that bring people together regardless of race or ethnicity. Every year, the NBA does a great job of highlighting Dr. King and blasting reminders of his legacy while delivering a terrific slate of games.

Tune in while you spend your time reflecting. Hoops can bring us together, but so can learning, time spent giving back, and uplifting action. We at The Basketball Movement appreciate you for reading and taking the time to reflect and better our community. Come by any time, and we can get better together!

2025 Bass Pro Tournament of Champions

The bracket for the 40th Annual Bass Pro Tournament of Champions has been revealed and the action starts soon!

Starting tonight, Springfield will host the 40th Annual Bass Pro Tournament of Champions. The 2025 ToC will again be stacked with some of the nation’s top high school boys’ teams.

Touted as the country's most highly attended high school basketball tournament, Great Southern Bank Arena at Missouri State will be rocking again this year, especially when the local squads take the floor.

This year, Parkview and Central will represent Springfield's prep scene. Parkview is coached by Yanders Law alumni Jack Simpson. Link Year Prep from the Branson area is also competing and may be the most talented team in the field.

The full tournament bracket is below:

Link Year Prep has a star-studded roster, headlined by 6’10 Houston commit Chris Cenac, ESPN’s fifth-ranked player in the country. Davon Hannah of Link is ranked number 22. Jerry Easter, John Clark, and Legend Smiley all crack the top 100 for Link as well.

Bullis’ seven-footer, Eric Riebe, is ranked 24th.

Jamier Jones of Oak Ridge is currently ranked 35th, and Jalen Reece is 63.

As usual, The Basketball Movement will have some media coverage of the tournament. Look for that over on our Instagram and Twitter.

Stay tuned!

Goals for the new year

Setting goals is a big key to elevating all aspects of life. The start of a new year is always the perfect time to reflect on those goals.

New Year’s Eve/Day is always a time for reflection and goal-setting as one year ends and a new one begins. As most seasoned athletes do, the staff of The Basketball Movement knows the importance of setting goals. For our part, we are looking confidently to the future.

We expect our players to meet and conquer challenges, and we intend to do the same, no matter the gravity of those obstacles.

Despite hardships, The Basketball Movement is still growing and getting better and better each day. There is plenty on deck in 2025. The Basketball Movement will continue growing because Rob Yanders always dreamed bigger and never settled while honing his craft or basketball facility. We keep that energy.

Coming off of a year of adjustment and growth, The Basketball Movement is still poised to hit the ground running. Leading the pack, our trainers, coaches, media team, and family are ready to provide the top basketball experience in the Midwest for everything on the court and off. Stay tuned for our best year yet.

Merry Christmas from The Basketball Movement

Merry Christmas, everyone! We talk a lot about using holidays and weekends to outwork your opponents but maybe hang with family on this one.

At The Basketball Movement, we are serious about hoops. However, we are also well aware that there are plenty of things that are bigger than basketball. Here on The Basketball Movement blog, we have discussed doing inside work on rainy days, getting in a gym on holiday weekends, and more. That said, Christmas is one of the most important times of the year for stepping away from work, school, and play to focus on what is important.

The Basketball Movement family has plenty to be thankful for. The power of basketball and the purity of Rob Yanders’ vision for us have been a guiding light. We are blessed to be here still, carrying his dream forward and bettering our community through the game we all love.

To all players, parents, fans, and The Basketball Movement trainers and staff - Merry Christmas! This is an excellent time to reflect on a year’s worth of accomplishments, hardships overcome, and great things on the horizon.

Thank you to everyone who helped us to make 2023 successful in many ways despite all odds. We are proud of everything that has been accomplished and proud to have worked with everyone who helped to make it happen.

Enjoy this time with family and friends, and remember what Christmas is all about. Have a blessed and Merry Christmas, everyone!

Highlights on The Basketball Movement

Keep up with area highlights with The Basketball Movement!

The Basketball Movement is the number one hoops destination in Southwest Missouri for multiple reasons. In addition to being an elite training facility and the home of the Yanders Law AAU program, we do our best to promote local basketball and spotlight many area players.

One of the benefits of being a gym rat of The Basketball Movement or a prominent Yanders Law player is that our media team creates highlights to elevate exposure. We do this for our older players not just for fun but also to help them receive attention should they decide to pursue ball at the next level.

We currently have some new game highlights on our YouTube channel. One of the most active areas to follow is The Basketball Movement's Instagram.

We appreciate your following and sharing, which help our athletes! We create clips and images of many players, though it does take time. If you are an athlete under The Basketball Movement umbrella without media, please be patient and keep balling out.

Follow the Movement everywhere you can! See you soon in a gym near you.

Stay warm at The Basketball Movement this winter

The Basketball Movement is the home for any hooper with a ferocious work ethic.

It may be cold outside, but you can stay warm and keep your skills sharp all winter at The Basketball Movement.

High school boys and girls, professional hoopers, grade school kids, college players… it does not matter who you are - we want to help you reach your next goal as a player. Hopefully, we can teach you enough about putting in work that it also carries over off the court.

Though we accept willing players from all levels, we ask a lot from the athletes who step on our court. Do not show up here if you cannot work hard and give the necessary effort. We hold ourselves to high standards and associate only with players that do the same.

If that sounds like you, come get this work.

The Basketball Movement’s bread and butter is skill development. Our trainers include former college players, pro players, and individuals that have been obsessed with the sport for as long as they can remember. You will be challenged, and if you are willing to accept that, you will improve.

We also offer film analysis for higher-level players - one of the most undervalued skills you can have at the college and pro levels. Learning it can be difficult, and we are one of the few teachers around.

One-on-One workouts, group work, strength and conditioning… we are equipped with everything necessary to elevate your game, all wrapped up in a facility modeled with professional setups in mind.

If you or your athlete are prepared to take their game to the next level, reach out to us at or even drop by and see for yourself what we are all about at 2135 N Sports Complex Ln, Nixa MO 65714.

Serious improvement is not for the faint of heart. We look forward to hearing from the warriors who want to sharpen their iron with ours. We’ll see you on the court.

Yanders Law AAU

Reach out to Yanders Law Basketball, Southwest Missouri’s premier AAU program.

#LawNation is alive and well as we continue to grow the basketball scene in Southwest Missouri. Yanders Law AAU has seen plenty of success over the years, but we are always looking ahead.

Yanders Law remains under The Basketball Movement’s umbrella. This site is the digital home of Yanders Law, as our courts are its physical home. However, we are introducing a way for you to contact the Yanders Law Basketball program directly.

We are separating Yanders Law inquiries from The Basketball Movement inquiries. You may email to get in touch with Coaches concerning tryouts, program information, and more. You may also do it through our website here.

As always, you may also contact The Basketball Movement to schedule workouts, get general information, and more by emailing or through this website here.

Contact one of the top AAU programs in the Midwest, and we can work together to continue building something special!

Happy Thanksgiving from The Basketball Movement!

The Basketball Movement treats those involved in what we do like family, so we are so grateful for every member - trainers, players, parents, and everyone behind the scenes.

As The Basketball Movement and Yanders Law boldly push forward through the odds, it is crucial to pause and marinate on why we must be thankful. We have said it many times, but we will start by acknowledging that we are thankful for the legacy and life lessons left to us by the great Rob Yanders. We miss Coach Rob every day and are eternally grateful for him.

Beyond that, we are thankful for individual player achievements, successful events, continued Yanders Law success, and much more. As great as all those things are, we are still most thankful for you.

Anyone who has teamed up with The Basketball Movement has created a bond for life. Nothing can be accomplished in what we do without the driving force of the individuals involved. Without the relationships formed, there would not be success.

We are also grateful for the outpouring of love for Rob’s family and all he left behind.

There is nothing soft or embarrassing about showing gratitude. Many individuals take time to help you achieve; the least you can do is thank them. Those small acts of kindness reassure the helpers and make them want to help again and again. You never know who needs reassurance, so take three seconds to make someone’s day.

We want to personally thank our trainers and staff, who dedicate so much time to bettering not just The Basketball Movement and our programs but all the young men and women involved.

Another personal thank you to the unsung heroes: Parents and guardians of the players. A final thank you to the players who make us what we are. You are part of something special because you make it special. Nothing we do is possible without you, and we want nothing but the best for each and every one of you.

Everyone enjoy the holiday! If you get too full, just run out and get some shots up to burn off those excess calories. Or, hit us up and come get this work!

Skill Development Training

Ebrace ferocious work ethic at The Basketball Movement

We are known for pushing athletes to become better: better competitors, better players, and hopefully better people. We get this work year-round, not just at events or for those involved with Yanders Law or We Are United.

High school boys and girls, professional hoopers, grade school kids, college players… it does not matter who you are - we want to help you reach your next goal as a player. Hopefully, we can teach you enough about putting in work that it also carries over off the court.

Though we accept willing players from all levels, we ask a lot from the athletes who step on our court. If you cannot work hard and give the necessary effort, we do not want your money. We hold ourselves to high standards and associate only with players that do the same.

If that sounds like you, come get this work.

The Basketball Movement’s bread and butter is skill development. Our trainers include former college players, pro players, and individuals who have been obsessed with the sport for as long as they can remember. You will be challenged, and if you are willing to accept that, you will improve.

We also offer film analysis for higher-level players - one of the most undervalued skills you can have at the college and pro levels. Learning it can be difficult, and we are one of the few teachers around.

One-on-one workouts, group work, strength and conditioning… we are equipped with everything necessary to elevate your game, all wrapped up in a facility modeled with professional setups in mind.

If you or your athlete are prepared to take their game to the next level, reach out to us at or even drop by and see for yourself what we are all about at 2135 N Sports Complex Ln, Nixa MO 65714.

Serious improvement is not for the faint of heart. We look forward to hearing from the warriors who want to sharpen their iron with ours. We’ll see you on the court.

Tips for away games

Home-court advantage is excellent, but you will travel to play half the time (or less).

Traveling to games can often be the worst part of game day. Different teams and players approach this aspect in diverse ways, but it is certainly something that everyone has to deal with one way or another. Traveling short distances is nice, but you may want more time to get in the zone. Traveling long distances is the most challenging because your mind can wander, you could stiffen up, or frankly, you could get bored.

The time and distance between you and your destination can seem insignificant next to the game, shootaround, practice, etc. While the order of importance of these things can be debated, the travel time is still just one more thing that you must prepare for.

It’s not the will to win that matters. Everyone has that. It’s the will to prepare to win that matters.
— Paul "Bear" Bryant

Some coaches encourage quiet trips to games. They see chit-chat, laughter, or what have you as distracting from the task at hand. Others may take no issue with it, as it may be seen as the camaraderie contributing to team building. As usual, when in doubt, do as your coach says.

As a general rule, it is okay to chat with your teammates, but you need to keep it in the realm of basketball. Talking about your game strategy, plays, or opponent/scouting report are all great ways to pass the time. Even talking about basketball in general, be it NBA, WNBA, or NCAA… you are still thinking about the sport you are about to play.

Another good way to pass the time is listening to music; the genre or artist is up to you. For some, listening to something more relaxing may be beneficial if you get nervous or worked up before a game. For many, something that elevates your adrenaline a bit, like rap or rock, is preferable. Find something in your sweet spot and stick with it.

Stiffening up on a long road trip can be a tricky issue to avoid. Stretching is essential here, as it is in so many other aspects of basketball. Even if it is rotating your ankles, straightening out your back or legs, or rotating your neck, maintaining a little movement every so often is a good idea. Once you’ve arrived, remember that it is never too early to start stretching out.

Some road trips will be extra long. Sometimes, you may even travel to a distant town and not play until the next day. In those instances, it is perfectly fine to relax. Listen to what you want, joke around, and so on. As much as possible, though, stay locked in on the task at hand and stay mentally ready to do your thing come game time.

Keep checking back here for more tips, team news, and more!

Link up with The Basketball Movement

Everything you need to know about to get ahold of us here at The Basketball Movement:

The Basketball Movement provides most basketball-related services you can come up with, and we want you to take advantage of them! To do that, we must be in contact to set things up and get moving. Whether you have some kids needing individual skill development workouts or are a professional needing to work on film study, you can all link up with us the same way.

To learn more about our services or discuss pricing, availability, etc., the best way is to email - A quick way to do that is by going to our contact page here.

One of The Basketball Movement’s trainers will use that email to answer any questions you may have or set up any workouts.

Another way to reach us is by sending us direct messages on social media. We cannot create appointments this way, but our social media manager should be able to answer basic questions or provide general information you may need. Visit our pages here: Instagram - Facebook - Twitter

We check the above as quickly as possible and will do our best to solve any problems or set up any services as best we can!

One of our favorite ways to interact, though, is in person! We do not necessarily have set hours as workouts start early and often end late, varying day-to-day. That said, feel free to come by at any reasonable hour, and there should be someone available to speak with you about any questions you may have or to figure out how to get you or your athlete involved.

Again, The Basketball Movement provides a wide array of services, from media exposure to strength and conditioning. If you want to know more about us or our affiliates, Yanders Law Basketball (AAU) or We Are United (prep school), drop us an email or come by. We are excited to hear from you!

The Basketball Movement - Home of Yanders Law

For everything Yanders Law, follow along with us at The Basketball Movement.

Like The Basketball Movement, Yanders Law was started by former pro, Rob Yanders as yet another way to elevate the hoops scene in the Midwest. The AAU program has seen hundreds of the area’s best young hoopers come through since its establishment in 2010.

As an elite training facility, The Basketball Movement is the perfect home base for the competitive grassroots teams. The same is true online, as everything you need to know about Yanders Law can be found through The Basketball Movement.

You can follow Yanders Law on Twitter for news and other updates, but make sure to follow along with The Basketball Movement on Instagram as the most consistent source of highlights of YLB ballers in action. Those clips feed into our Facebook stories as well if that is more your scene!

Highlights and player updates are based primarily on the older players in the Yanders Law program for privacy reasons. The exposure gained through The Basketball Movement mediums has helped numerous athletes gain exposure and be noticed at the collegiate level.

Also, the highlight clips are just dope.

Our social media pages and are your home for Yanders Law Basketball. For any questions about the program or details on how to get involved, please email and a coach will get back to you.

Thank you #LawNation for your support. Go Yanders Law!