What we are missing at The Basketball Movement

As we continue through these uncharted waters, we stop and appreciate what we are missing about The Basketball Movement experience.

Walking into The Basketball Movement is a sensory overload. Overload may be a term that some would shy away from, but for basketball junkies, it is just what you seek out in a gym.

The smell of hardwood is ingrained in the building. It has been that way for years and did not go away when we re-did the floors a few years back. Hoopers know the smell and can still recall it even after being away from the hardwood for a lengthy period of time. It smells like your home away from home. A place where you can shed blood, sweat, and tears for glory, for your brothers/sisters, or just for knowing you put in a helluva day’s work.

Sensory overload comes too from the sounds. Balls bouncing on both courts make the whole facility feel alive. You are not alone here. There are others that share your passion, your goals. They may be older or younger, male or female, professional or youth ball hopefuls. They are here too, smelling that same hardwood scent, shooting at the 10-foot hoop, dreaming of greatness.

There are sounds of shots going up. Many are connecting with the iron, some fall through with that ever-satisfying swish. Everyone hopes their shot is going in. Some do, some don’t. They all get rebounded and lead to more and more work on the journey.

Other sounds come from trainers and players. Some players are communicating with each other - striving for unison under the guidance of a coach. The trainers are barking, constantly producing advice, encouragement, and due criticisms with the goal of improvement for all. The more players succeed, the more the trainers succeed. The more trainers succeed, the more renowned the facility becomes, drawing in more players and more opportunities to produce something special.

Often hip hop music is bumping out of a speaker in the main gym. This lends to the facility’s urban feel, something that is a unique twist in our community. Still, the warm Yanders smile makes everyone feel right at home.

Rob Yanders, The Basketball Movement’s founder is constantly dispensing basketball wisdom, always in motion. He gives his athletes hell, then turns and gives the parents a sly wink. The parents see what is happening, as Rob is just pushing limits, bringing out the best in the players. Really, the players understand as well. Not just any player can step on Rob’s floor. He can tell if you want it or not and he will let you know.

For those players, their muscles burn as they pound the dribble, stay low, and keep eyes forward even as sweat streams down their face. They understand the privilege of their on-court agony and welcome it on the path to improvement.

The Basketball Movement is a special place. Sure, it has a barber station, leather seats, and a cushy film room. At its core, those that have stepped through its doors understand it to be a grindhouse - a place where players come to get their butts kicked and bodies pushed to their limits. This is where they improve as players. This is where they build character. This is a place they will remember for the rest of their lives as a temple of self-improvement.

We miss this place like crazy, and we vow to come back better than ever once this pandemic passes. Support us and keep up the hard work by checking out Rob’s Evolution of a Hooper program. Yanders had spent years amassing this collection of on and off-court curriculum - it is definitely worth your time. Keep checking back here with more updates as we work through this together. Thank you all!