Ania Bracken - Xclusive Apparal

Ania Bracken is creating apparel that appeals to people like her that just want to be different and feel good. This is Xclusive Apparel.

The Basketball Movement is known for propelling young lives on the court, but those that know us best know that it is the off-court impact that drives us. Our founder, Rob Yanders is committed to enriching and empowering the lives of those around him. In this case, he is helping to lend his platform to his niece, 16-year-old Ania Bracken, and her new brand: Xclusive Apparel.

We sat down one-on-one with Ania to get the scoop on this exciting new venture.

Ania says that the idea behind Xclusive Apparel is all about being creative and different in your own way. “I’m a colorful person,” Bracken says. “So, I try to make everything I do fun and colorful.”

T-shirts will quickly become the staple of Ania’s new collection, but she says that she plans to add hoodies soon as well as possibly moving into shorts, joggers, and anything else that can add variety to her unique offerings.

When asked about the memorable Xclusive Apparel logo, Ania seemed to have one main goal in mind - to be different. “When I thought about it, I knew I wanted it to be fun,” Bracken says. “One eye has the X, one is regular, the braces… I just have a bit of an over-indulgent personality, so I wanted that to shine through. It should appeal to those who have attention for detail, like me.”

For Ania, being different is what inspires her creativity. “I believe people are at their best when they are being themselves,” Bracken says. “For me, that is knowing that I’m different than my peers. I figured out that I like different things; I love drawing and being creative. I arrived here creatively by investing time in finding myself and my personal style - my swag.”

“I believe that people are at their best when they are being themselves.”

Asked what helps Ania get into her creative mindset, she says that she keeps it simple. “I love listening to music. I also love just sitting outside and looking at the sky. It gets my brain going, then I get paper or a notebook and just start sketching.”

“I also have an entrepreneurial spirit, so I am trying to use my creativity to be my own boss and hopefully make some money,” Bracken says. She continues by saying that she would love to be able to capitalize on her creativity rather than having to work for someone else. She is not the only one in her family that has that mindset.

Ania says that her Uncle Rob has helped her “tremendously” to this point. “(Yanders) has helped set everything up so far,” Bracken says. “He really believes in me. I told him, and he was on it immediately. We think alike in a lot of ways.”

The “kindness in his heart” is what has shown through the most from Ania’s Uncle Rob.

When asked what people can expect from Xclusive Apparel going forward, Ania gave a short and convincing answer: “Dope clothes.”

“I am going to be bringing a lot of different styles and colorways,” Bracken says. “There will always be more color and more fun, which I keep saying, but that is a key to this brand. Anyone that wears Xclusive Apparel will feel good, be comfortable, and know they are wearing something exclusive.”

We are excited to see where this empowered young woman takes her new business. You can be sure to find plenty of Xclusive Apparel in and around The Basketball Movement going forward, with all of our athletes looking to add to their collection of drip. Stay tuned to Xclusive Apparel’s Instagram as well for all the details!