We are all in this together

Rob Yanders and The Basketball Movement lament the loss of George Floyd and countless others that have lost their lives to hatred.

The highly visible murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis has shown light once again on a centuries-old issue in the United States of America. People of color are still fighting for equality in 2020. “This is not a white-versus-black issue,” says The Basketball Movement Founder, Rob Yanders. “This is about a fight against hatred, unfair stigmas, and racism. It predates all of us, but we still have an obligation to do our best to fix it.”

This fight, this responsibility does not fall to just one person, group, or race. “We are all in this together - I truly believe that,” Yanders says. “People of color have unique hurdles in life. It is unfortunate but true and we need to work as brothers and sisters to make sure everyone has a fighting chance.”

Yanders calls for a continuation of peaceful resolutions to these ongoing issues. “There are many ways to express what you are feeling right now. I absolutely understand the anger and hurt - it’s so frustrating. The way to approach this issue is through unity, organization, and accountability. We all have a voice. Sometimes though we need to stand up and say things all together.”

The Basketball Movement is built on hard work and hoops. At its core is a black man that is creating a safe place in our community for athletes and individuals of every color and creed. Inclusion and equal treatment is paramount. Our Yanders Law coaches and The Basketball Movement trainers understand what it means to be “more than an athlete.”

Our facility is in the heart of a predominantly white community. It is not lost on us that much of our success comes from people that trust their young athletes with us, despite various backgrounds and walks of life. We are endlessly appreciative of those opportunities to bridge worlds through the sport we all love.

That said, we ask that you carry that mentality everywhere you go. Don’t just shake Rob’s hand or let Coach Sly or A.J. know you appreciate them and then leave the gym and settle into complacency or outdated thinking. Go out into the world with the mindset that we are ALL a team. If you have the backs of people of color in America, walk that walk. Please.

You may not see what the fuss is about day-to-day, but that is the point. That is why so many are currently fighting, desperate to be heard. The brutality and hatred are nothing new. Not everything is caught on film. Racism and unequal treatment is often a daily struggle. Listen, read, and find ways to walk in the shoes of those you may not fully understand.

People are hurting and we ask for your support; some continued support, some new. We really are all in this together. Please join us in trying to extinguish the racism embedded in what should be a great country.

We are more than athletes… and we stand united.