Ahlante Askew - Republic

The Basketball Movement had an exclusive interview with Republic’s Ahlante Askew about his expectations and goals for the season.

A name that could be found on Rob Yanders’ 2021-22 player rankings last season, Republic high’s Ahlante Askew is poised for a big senior year. With another year of work under his belt, Ahlante should be one of the area’s top hoopers once again.

When asked which part of his game has improved the most, Askew noted some intangibles that come with experience. “I’d say I have improved keeping my head in the right place when things go wrong,” Askew says. “I was able to work on handling adversity this summer.”

For the first time since his freshman year, Ahlante also displays his athleticism under the Friday night lights for the Tigers. Of course, playing football is a great way to stay in shape, but how is Askew keeping his skills sharp?

“Luckily, I have a coach who cares,” Askew says. “Coach (Tim) Brown has been making sure I’m able to shoot before school and keep working on my game during football.”

Ahlante says that his expectation for his team is a district title, though he acknowledges that they have Kickapoo standing in the way. However, he is leaning on the preparation he and his teammates have.

“We have had a good summer,” Askew says. “Guys are ready to come in, work, and get better.”

Asked who he is looking forward to playing against, Ahlante had several squads on his mind. “Nixa - that is an exciting matchup always just because it is Republic and Nixa,” he says. “Springfield Central will be good this year and the next few years too. Bolivar is another one - that has been a personal rivalry for me since middle school.”

Ahlante knows he will have a heavy workload ahead with district title aspirations, but he is up for the challenge.

“My personal goal for the season is to do a good job leading the team,” Askew says. “I make us go; they look up to me. I’ll know I’ve done that if our team is having success.”

We look forward to seeing where Ahlante can take the Republic Tigers in his final high school season. Stay tuned to The Basketball Movement Exclusive as hoops finally ramp back up in Southwest Missouri!