Missing basketball / Maintaining perspective

With gyms shut down across the nation, it is a good time to examine priorities in our lives.

“I miss basketball” is a phrase that is being heavily circulated online as well as in conversation around the world right now. As the coronavirus pandemic continues, fans and hoopers alike are having withdrawals in a time that should be full of basketball goodness.

Men and women’s March Madness has been taken from us. High school seasons have been cut short around the nation. The NBA is on hiatus and may not complete the current season. The WNBA is expected to be postponed. All of the players involved as well as the fans are completely justified in missing hoops. Many of us have the sport deeply woven into our lives in multiple ways.

What we at The Basketball Movement would like to remind you to do in these difficult times is to maintain perspective.

The Basketball Movement is more than a hoops haven - it is a business. As long as our doors are closed, livelihoods will be impacted. So trust us, we get it. We are as ready to get back to basketball as anyone. Just remember that it is bigger than basketball.

Folks are losing their lives to this thing. Those people are parents, siblings, sons/daughters, and friends. Others are putting their lives directly in the line of fire to combat the virus and its effects. People are in hospitals for other reasons as well; illness, having babies… what have you. Those people cannot always have their loved ones present with them, which is devastating.

We must do our part to combat the spread of coronavirus. Stay home, demonstrate good hygiene, and practice social distancing as lives depend on it, because that just may be the case.

Missing basketball is 100% okay. As we said, we miss it as much as anyone in the world. Just keep in mind what is truly important. Enjoy film of old games, do ball-handling drills in the garage (like these), get up shots if you have a hoop. Just prioritize doing your part for the greater good.

This is a great time to reflect. Get priorities in order and just be ready for hoops when it is finally time to get back out there. You will probably get stir crazy, but that means you are staying in and doing your part. We are all in this together. Miss basketball, but always maintain perspective!