The Basketball Movement

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Life Through Sport - The Basketball Movement

The Basketball Movement is launching a new program to teach young people and athletes life lessons through sports.

A basketball and sports-centered curriculum is the perfect tool to teach life lessons. Sports are relatable, engaging, and fun. They capture those involved and those who watch like little else can in our world. The Basketball Movement has always stressed the importance of being a good teammate, family member, and friend as well as valuable member of society. Now, we are taking that to the next level.

Enter: Life Through Sport. At TBM, we love basketball. Beyond that, we love player development and even more so - people development. It is important to love the game because it will push individuals to unlock their potential as players. There are so many life lessons to be learned from basketball though, that we want to highlight the important carryovers into everyday life. That is what Life Through Sport is all about.

Players of all ages can benefit from the Life Through Sport curriculum at The Basketball Movement. The courses are applicable to grade school players that still have much to learn all the way up to NBA-level guys that need reminders and advice on what it means to be purpose-driven and kind.

Life Through Sport will involve mini discussions, group workshops, and patented motivational speaking by The Basketball Movement’s Founder, Rob Yanders.

The first course of the program will be “Legacy”. The keys will be character, responsibility, preparation, purpose, sacrifice, and more. The takeaways from this new curriculum will give players a head-start compared to other athletes. There will be more specifics on Legacy and the program as a whole coming very soon.

The person is the player” as Rob says, which means that performance on the court is often a reflection of your attitude in life. Your life can affect your game, but, The Basketball Movement is going to teach how your game can affect your life.

Stay tuned for more details about Life Through Sport as The Basketball Movement continues to strive to help our players reach their full potential on and off the court. Thanks for being along for the ride.